
My part-time job

     Part-time job is important and very familiar to university students. I am

currently working in a luxury yakiniku chain store.

However, I plan to live alone in Saijo from spring, so I stopped working.

So please tell me your recommended part-time job in Saijo! If you tell me a good

bite, I will give you ice cream.

My winter vacation

     What did you do during the winter vacation?

I basically spent watching TV. I lived almost like neat. However, I was able to play

with my friends who came back to Hiroshima after a long time, so it was very

fun. When spring vacation comes, I will go out more aggressively and play a lot.

Let's enjoy a long spring vacation!

Money & Shopping

     I love buying clothes and buying food. However, sometimes I buy impulsively

and waste money. Have you ever bought an inedible amount of food? Therefore, I

will introduce a technique to reduce waste.

It is "shopping when you are full."

It seems that shopping with a full stomach reduces the risk of buying useless

things.Please try you too.


     As I wrote in my previous blog, I am in a futsal circle called JOKER. The day

before yesterday, We went to a futsal competition in Hiroshima city. The result

was  the best four. However, only five teams participated, so the ranking was

actually lower. If We have another chance to play again, I want to win. Call me if

you are interested in it. Let's play soccer together!

My favorite TV games

     I always play TV games. When I get tired from studying, I play games and

refresh. So, I would like to introduce my favorite games.

I think that the most interesting game is "Fortnite" of all games. This is a game

that has 250 million players worldwide and is also designated as an esports. And

surprisingly, this game is free!!

It is a little difficult, but please try it.